The Chapter, revealed in Medina, has twenty-nine Verses. Besides placing the doctrine on a firm basis, the Chapter in question treats of certain injunctions in the domains of society and government.The opening Verses present twenty Divine Attributes. Then, the Chapter proceeds with the grandeur of the Holy Qur’an, the states of believers and hypocrites on the Day of Resurrection, accounts of former nations, spending in the Cause of Allah for the establishment of social justice, critique of monasticism, and social seclusion.Imam Sajjad (as) said:"God Almighty knows that a group well-known for the profundity of their thoughts shall appear in the last days of the world; as a consequence of which, He sent down Surah al-Tawhid (or Ikhlas, Chapter 112) and some of the Verses of Surah al-Hadid such that people may gain a better knowledge of God Almighty and be aware that whoever acknowledges other Divine Attributes shall be perished.”The Merit of Reciting the Chapter:Interesting merits are mentioned in Islamic traditions concerning the recitation of the Chapter. It is worthy of note, however, that recitation must be accompanied by reflection and practice.It is narrated from the Noble Prophet (S) that:"He who recites Surah al-Hadid shall be regarded among those who believed in Allah and His Messenger (S)."According to a tradition narrated from Imam Baqir (as):"He who recites the Chapters opening with praises of God (musabbahat), Hadid (57), Hashr (59), Saff (61), Jum‘a (62), and Taghabun (64), shall not die until he meets Imam Mahdi (may God Almighty hasten his arrival), but if he dies before Mahdis arrival, he shall be the neighbor of Allahs Messenger (S)."For the sake of brevity, other traditions in this vein have not been mentioned.